Category:Energy & Raw materials
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa |
Street: Chłopickiego 50
Phone: +48 22 5169340
Fax: +48 22 6730895 |
Firm Rank: |
 The KSB Group is one of the leading producers of pumps, valves and related systems. Annual turnover is about 1300 million euro.
Around 13,000 employees around the world work for maximum customer satisfaction in building services, industry and water utilities, the energy sector and mining. KSB is increasingly a service partner and provides complete hydraulic systems for water supply and drainage.
Global products, global quality
KSB has more than 30 manufacturing sites in 19 countries. At each[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lower Silesia
City: Wrocław |
Street: Przedmiejska 6-10
Phone: +48 71 3501348
Fax: +48 71 3558724 |
Firm Rank: |
 Firma SAGA powstała w 1999 roku na bazie kilkuletnich doświadczeń w branży instalacyjnej. Od 2004 roku działamy w systemie zarządzania jakością ISO 9001:2000.
POdstawą naszej działaności jest dystrybucja elementów instalacji. Posiadamy w naszej ofercie pompy, armaturę oraz wszelkie elementy instalacji.
Obszary naszego działania: wodociągi, oczyszczalnie, ciepłownictwo, energetyka, chemia, petrochemia, przemysł spożywczy.
Zajmujemy się sprzedażą krajową jak i eksportem[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Cuiavia and Pomerania
City: Bydgoszcz |
Street: Łęczycka 1
Phone: +48 507 507427377
Fax: +48 52 5610636 |
Firm Rank: |
FAAS Trading Co. divides its activities into two fronts: professional consulting and professional intermediation between producers and recipients, on an international scale: West and East direction, and vice versa.
A. Import/export consulting services, signing international contracts
B. International Trade:
For many years, we have been promoting the policy of cooperation and mediation between the West and the East and vice versa. For this purpose, we use knowledge and an extensively collected[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lubusz
City: Kostrzyn nad Odrą |
Street: Fabryczna 1
Phone: +48 95 7524117
Fax: +48 95 7522026 |
Firm Rank: |
 We have been operating since 1994. In 2001, the takeover of shares of the manufacturing branch of the Norwegian concern AVEN AS by a new owner brought the change of our company's name into RAVEN Sp. z o.o. In the field of pallet production and quality control, we have been employing the long experience and tradition of a Scandinavian concern founded in 1928.
Our primary goal is to satisfy our clients' needs for the delivery of industrial wooden packaging,
that is:
collars,wooden pallets,lids[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lesser Poland
City: Zator |
Street: Rybarskiego 1
Phone: +48 33 8755284
Fax: +48 33 8755187 |
Firm Rank: |
 PROTECH is polish, experienced and trusted producer of heating boilers, which focuses on professionalism in every aspect of operation.
Our employees are specialists in their fields. Starting at production workers, through the office staff, in the management team ending. We all make every effort for PROTECH branded products and level of service to meet the highest requirements of our customers.
Modern machinery, high-quality boilers’ components, TÜV certified welders,[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Cuiavia and Pomerania
City: Toruń |
Street: Domninikańska 9
Phone: +48 56 6539713
Fax: +48 56 6200018 |
Firm Rank: |
 Consus sp. z o. o. is the first Polish company which became a member of the Powernext exchange in Paris. It has its settling account No FR121.1193.0 with SERINGAS since 2005. We offer solutions for companies with regard to complex issues concerning emissions trading. We possess experience in trading emission allowances. We are sensitive to the needs of our clients for evaluating their emissions portfolios, including planning and the entire process of emissions trading. We help our clients in this[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Silesia
City: Mysłowice |
Street: Ul. Laryska 21
Phone: +48 32 2224566
Fax: +48 32 2224566 |
Firm Rank: |
JW Sp. z o.o. swoją działalność rozpoczęła od początku 2003r. Tworzymy grupę kapitałową firmy EMATECH Sp. z o.o. co daje nam solidne zaplecze techniczne, dobre rekomendacje oraz stabilną pozycję na rynku. Od początku istnienia naszej spółki należymy do grona Autoryzowanych Sprzedawców Katowickiego Holdingu Węglowego, oferując naszym klientom węgiel najwyższej jakości po najniższych cenach.
Naszą ofertę uzupełniamy o sprzedaż brykietu "paliwa[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lower Silesia
City: Oleśnica |
Street: Reymonta 13
Phone: +48 71 7981041
Fax: |
Firm Rank: |
 Firma zajmuje się doradzaniem, sprzedażą, instalacją i serwisem urządzeń energii odnawialnej. Elektrownie wiatrowe, kolektory słoneczne, pompy ciepła, ogniwa fotowoltaiczne, kominki, kompletne systemy grzewcze i elektryczne. Sprowadzamy i instalujemy również używane elektrownie wiatrowe.[...]